Call me selfish. Call me creative. Call me a selfish creative alchemist! I’ve always been a maker, especially when it comes to potions and elixirs. While in the midst of raising 3 adventurous boys, seeing nutrition clients and getting a masters degree (as if life wasn’t already insanely busy!) a component on the healing qualities of botanicals inspired me to create a magic potion for myself.
I was in my early 40’s and not only feeling, but seeing the impacts of stress on my skin.
At the time, there were very few organic, oil derived skincare products available, and what WAS available either smelled too earthy or cost a bazillion bucks. Naturally, my inner alchemist and drive to clean my regime lead me to endless hours of research and formulating. After over a year of formulating, unbeknownst to me, my 1st born product was made: Regenerative Oil.
Friends, family and clients began asking, “what are you using on your skin!?” and little by little I began sharing my potions out of pure love. After their repeat requests for “more of that magic shit” and “you need to bottle this amazingness” glō (give. love. often) was born.
In an effort to spread my passion on inside out health I wrote a book, Skinside Out: a Holistic Guide on how to Glow from the Inside Out. Next up is my cookbook called Glō: Recipes for Inner Radiance (due out January 2020) This completes my goals to provide education, tools and products for inner radiance!